roteri Etats-Unis


Américaine qui aimerait vivre en Malaisie
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10 posts sur le forum


I want to move to Malaysia and network for my business. In California right now I am fully employed as Creative Director for a marketing company. I have three businesses and am in the final stages of purchasing rental property in the state of Nevada. MY daughter is off to college, I sold my home and all my possessions so I could have adventure in my life and not be tied to any objects. The company of one of my businesses is opening in Malaysia. I want to make my fortune with this business and moving to Malaysia and then other countries is my goal. I will be on the forum learning what I need to know to blend into the culture and meet people and find out about other cultures. I am so excited!

Je suis membre depuis le 27 Février 2014.

Activité récente
  • roteri
    a rejoint la communauté Malaisie

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