



Venezuelan expat in Australia

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Sydney, NSW, Australia

Speaks Spanish, English, Italian and a tad of French... And learning Czech.

Registration: 11 May 2010


rodrigoelp replied to a thread
11 years ago

Move to Australia by Rosshahrizan_Au

i really want to move to Australia to develop my communication skill and my job skill. i was a boarding officer at Port of Tanjung Pelepas but now i am a driver for a family in Johor Bharu, Malaysia.


Hi Mate, stumpy gave you a great suggestion... Go to immi website and read all about it. Even though the skills you are indicating aren't on the list of skills needed by Australia at the moment you might be able to find something that allows you to ... Read More

rodrigoelp replied to a thread
12 years ago

Help for a fresh emigrant needed by PinkLawyer

Hi, my name is Shaimaa, I'm from Egypt. Lived my whole life there and I love it. But I wish do to more with my life, I wish I could expand and discover myself, I want to know my limits and how far I could go. I chose Australia, to be the land where ...


Hello Shaimaa, Trying to give you the best answers I can I would say... What makes Sydney great for you? Any city in Sydney is great... but what really will make a difference is your career or the opportunities you are trying to get. Sydney is ... Read More

rodrigoelp replied to a thread
12 years ago

Hola Sydney friends - Help a girl out? by kylsznn

Hi All! I will be moving to Sydney in 2 weeks time and have no idea where to start! I would be most appreciative if someone could help me with 2 questions: 1. Where to live? I am not that familiar with the city as I have only been there once. I am ...


Hello there, If you want to live close by the action you might want to be close to St Leonards, Neutral Bay or Lane Cove sort of thing (being the close-ish to your work place). There are a couple of parks and reserves where to have a good run. A ... Read More

rodrigoelp replied to a thread
13 years ago

Help! Pregnant & unsure of what I'm entitled to by SusieQ17

Hi I'm living in Sydney over 2 years. Originally came on working holiday & then my fiance got sponsored by his job to stay on so we are currently on a 457 visa. I just found out I am pregnant & desperatly need some advice about what I should do & ...


Your visa is a temporal or provisional visa, which means you are not considered a permanent resident of Australia; hence you won't have access to Medicare, child support or baby bonus (if applicable... I don't know if they dropped it ... Read More