I am ... I spent the first 26 years of my life in Poland then a few years in the Far East and then I lived in Canada for almost 20 years... Now I am back in Poland...trying to grow roots here again. I have observed something strange about me - when I was in Canada I always held on to my Polish roots (although, married to a Canadian Canadian I had little or nothing to do with the Polish community there). Now I am here, in Poland and I catch myself humming the Canadian national anthem????!!! (Too bad I only remeber a few words)... I have little or nothing to do with the Canadian community in Poland (so far). My one and only connection with Canada at the moment (except for my passport)is my son who is 11, who feels 100% Canadian and who is struggling with the Polish reality. I am a Polish expat in Poland which is really bizzare, isn't it, well really on many levels I do not qualify to be an expat and yet I am a stranger in my homeland...
Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 17 Maio 2010.