Dave Pacho Stati Uniti

Dave Pacho

Espatriato Americano in Tailandia
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Hello all, I am a guitarist from the U.S. New to Thailand, currently residing in Pattaya. I am looking to hook up with local working musicians and or musicians wanting to form bands with the intent of working the local music scene. Not a shredding guitar player, but can hold my own as a rhythm guitarist, occasionally throwing down a lead solo. Spent three years performing with a cover band for hire in pubs, city events and private parties on the Half Moon Bay Coast in California, but have worked with local solo artists in the San Francisco Bay Area over the past five years, playing mostly acoustic guitar. Want to play mostly for the love of playing and the rush of a crowd loving you when you do it right on stage, but earning a little money while doing what I love is always an added plus. Not looking to get rich and famous. I've been playing for thirty years, but have spent the past ten years perfecting my skills, covering mostly classic rock, blues, & Motown hits. I use both tube and solid state amps and have a PA system consisting of a fifteen Chanel Yamaha mixing board and Mackie 450's with enough gear to mic a five piece band.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 31 Marzo 2014

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  • Dave Pacho
    espatriato in Tailandia

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