Founder and Managing Director of Health Care Volunteers International. HCVI is a is a registered not for profit organization based in Washington, D.C. with international scope and healthcare related projects in multiple developing countries. We opened in January of 2014. I personally have 15 years of volunteer experience working in many different setting around the world and have been on over 60 trips with various organizations before forming HCVI. I practice Emergency Medicine and Surgery. We have a strong presence in Cambodia, where we are involved in direct patient care, capacity building, equipment/medication/supplies donations, as well as education and training. We have opened a large and very advanced medical library at the National Pediatric Hospital, where our office is based as well. ( Anyone looking to volunteer please contact me ( We have a lot of ways one can get involved and more than 1/2 of our volunteers do not have a medical background, If you are living in Cambodia, you are well aware of the enormous need. Feel free to contact me as well if you are trying to work through a health issue in Cambodia. It is not the best place to be sick... We are based in Washington DC but I spend 2-3 months in Cambodia for close to 5 years running now and have almost daily contact with my staff in Phnom Penh.
I joined on 08 April 2014.