Wariaz Francia


Cittadina Francese che cerca informazioni nella Corea del Sud
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I want to go to live in south korea with my family. We'll go to visit this country for the first time this summer and after we want to come back to stay. If you have any information or advice to help us to realise our dream, please tell me. My husband would like to work like fisherman and me like french teacher but if we have others opportunities, why not... We can also work in digital art graphic, we have 10 years experience in this domain. So, we accept any job, anywhere in south korea.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 23 Aprile 2014

  • Parlo Français (langue maternelle), Anglais (niveau intermédiaire), Cambodgien (notions)
Registro delle attività
  • Wariaz
    espatriato a Seul

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Corea del Sud
Seul, Corea del Sud
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