Harry Palmer English Inglaterra

Harry Palmer English

Harry Palmer English, Inglês procurando informação sobre na Bulgária
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Hi, I'm Harry, 10 years ago I bought an old farmhouse and garden just outside Varna in Radevo, I'm finally coming to live in Bulgaria mid May, for 6 months or so, and my intention is to start the renovation (well, almost a re-build) at the house and enjoy the new life in Bulgaria. I'll be roughing it a bit as my budget is tiny, but I'm usually quite inventive !! Any help and advice will be gratefully received. I'll be searching for bargain/used/end-of-line building supplies and household stuff, cheap ways to eat etc. and friends, I'm quite happy to work for local wages and wish to join in socially.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 30 Abril 2014.

  • Falo English and a bit of German
  • Gosto de jazz, e-commerce, blues, Travel - Road trips
Registro de atividade
  • Harry Palmer English
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Bulgária

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