UkrAl Inghilterra


Cittadino Inglese che cerca informazioni in Ucraina
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I am from North West England, I'm married to a wonderful Ukrainian lady since 2013. I had to return to England but visit my lovely wife as often as possible. We have traveled lots of Ukraine destinations including Kyiv, Lviv, Ternopil, Ivan Frankivsk, Mykolaiv, Zaliznyi Port, Vinnitsia, Kherson and Bukovel. We have also traveled to Warsaw, Krakow, Lublin and Katowice in Poland and plan to have our holidays in Mallorca Spain.

Sono un utente di dal 04 Maggio 2014

  • Parlo English
Registro delle attività
  • UkrAl
    espatriato in Ucraina

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Febbraio 2014
Ternopil, Ucraina
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To live happily with my wonderful wife, to set up a business when I can legally do so.

Not a great lover of some Ukrainian cuisines, I'm too Westernised, but it's something I will overcome.

Dal Maggio 2016
Preston, Inghilterra, Inghilterra
Mostra tutto

To get my wife her visa so we can live happily as a married couple, but the British government are terrible and refuse visa's for the most mundane reasons.


Gen 1972 - Feb 2014
Preston, Inghilterra
Mostra tutto

People are too opinionated and there is a lot of racism.