American looking for information about Dominican Republic
Forum posts
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Registration: 06 May 2014

going home with my pet
Hi, I'm here for over 30 days, apparently I need to go to the vet to get another certificate of health for my pet, because the employee at the airport check in counter for the airlines, will ask for this at Puerto Plata airport when I'm ... Read More

Buying on cabrera by Alextrucking
Hello great information in this forum thanks in advance. My name is alex. I am from jupiter fl. Original from cuba. My English is not perfect so excuse any mistake please. I am considering to buy a house for retirement, I will like information on ...

Hi Alex, where in Cabrera is it? and can you send me the real estate link or photograph, maybe it is where I stayed for a rental, if it is I can tell you for sure what it is ! Please don't post it here on the Forum but send it to me on this ... Read More

Reading about Residency/Re: Fingerprinting method
Hello and Good Morning :) Just reading up on residency and different qualifications and requirements, this may sound like a silly question but well I'm going to ask anyways: In regards to police clearance report/fingerprinting does Dominican ... Read More

Purchasing flight tickets for one month by wxyz2b
Hi Dominican Expat Forum! Sorry I know this has been discussed on this forum before but I'm confused, can I stay for one month? Will I be able to purchase a return flight ticket dated for one month? and what if I decide to stay a little longer ...

Okay, thanks for the additional information, I appreciate that. Enjoy your day! Read More

Purchasing flight tickets for one month by wxyz2b
Hi Dominican Expat Forum! Sorry I know this has been discussed on this forum before but I'm confused, can I stay for one month? Will I be able to purchase a return flight ticket dated for one month? and what if I decide to stay a little longer ...

Hi Planner, Thank you. It's more than likely we'll be staying a bit longer, to search around, so I didn't want any problems. So basically doesn't matter what I book for depart and return dates, I'll just cancel the return date, ... Read More

Purchasing flight tickets for one month by wxyz2b
Hi Dominican Expat Forum! Sorry I know this has been discussed on this forum before but I'm confused, can I stay for one month? Will I be able to purchase a return flight ticket dated for one month? and what if I decide to stay a little longer ...

I guess what I'm getting at also is: Does it raise any eyebrows and ruffle any feathers, regarding my flight return dates and depart dates? especially when we will be travelling with our cat and the max. amount of allowable luggage. Read More

Purchasing flight tickets for one month
Hi Dominican Expat Forum! Sorry I know this has been discussed on this forum before but I'm confused, can I stay for one month? Will I be able to purchase a return flight ticket dated for one month? and what if I decide to stay a little longer ... Read More

Bringing my 'indoor' cat by wxyz2b
Hi Expat Forum, I haven't really introduced myself, I've really only been reading posts and learning ALOT from you all! A big thank you, so happy to know this forum also a shout out to Planner and Bob for their continued support here as ...

Hi, Okay thanks for your replies, much appreciated! Read More

Bringing my 'indoor' cat
Hi Expat Forum, I haven't really introduced myself, I've really only been reading posts and learning ALOT from you all! A big thank you, so happy to know this forum also a shout out to Planner and Bob for their continued support here as ... Read More

residency by sider1000
I am new here. I called the Honduran Embassy in Wash.D.C. , U.S Asked for rules to obtain residency Ex: Amount of income needed, Investment amount to qualify. They sent me documents in Spanish and said hire a lawyer Gezzz. Does anyone know the ...

Hi, I've been reading this Honduras forum for awhile and have never posted here before. I am exploring different locations to possibly move in the near future, and have come across the residency topic but have not read or found any mention of ... Read More

Permanent residency
Hi, I've been reading this Honduras forum for awhile and have never posted here before. I am exploring different locations to possibly move in the near future, and have come across the residency topic but have not read or found any mention of ... Read More

Getting residency in DR by chiwito
Thanks for the information on Health Insurance, Can you guys give me some insight into how hard is getting residency in DR? I heard is a lot of paperwork to be done, it is done in DR or in the States?

Yes, I understand re: residency renewals.., and for sure that would be a great idea to start a thread with all the requirements. I'm still lost! In the meantime, I'll search this forum for more answers. Read More

Getting residency in DR by chiwito
Thanks for the information on Health Insurance, Can you guys give me some insight into how hard is getting residency in DR? I heard is a lot of paperwork to be done, it is done in DR or in the States?

Hello from Canada! My husband and I are planning on moving to dominican republic, and hope to realize this goal before year's end.. I've been browsing your forum for some time now and have decided to ask for alittle assistance if I may. I hope ... Read More