boby brown1

boby brown1

New member

Greek expat in Hungary

Forum posts




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Lives in budapesta

Registration: 09 May 2014


boby brown1 created a thread
10 years ago

5 juin there is so much you can do to be more green

World Environment Day to make your work more green efficient consumption means green consumption Read More

boby brown1 replied to a thread
10 years ago

Racism by Julien

Do you feel racism in your country? Is it complicated to integrate yoursleft with local people or are you used to it? I really like London because the city is a lot of people from everywhere, and everybody seems to be integrated. I don't feel ...

boby brown1

Question: What does the Bible say about racism, prejudice, and discrimination? Answer: The first thing we must understand in this discussion is that there is only one race - the human race. Caucasians, Africans, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Jews etc.. ... Read More

boby brown1 replied to a thread
10 years ago
syed zee

what is respect ? by syed zee

Respect is a combination of appreciation, admiration and recognition of a person being worth something. It can feel at times esoteric but most people understand respect. In our modern world respect is sometimes confused with fear.

boby brown1

Self-respect can not be hunted. It can not be bought. It can be manufactured in our relationships with others. Self-esteem comes when we are alone, in quiet moments, away from busy places when we realize that knowing the difference between right and ... Read More

boby brown1 replied to a thread
10 years ago

Cars of the future by Fred

I wanted a car (OK. my wife nagged me until I agreed), but I didn't want anything big as we have a small family and don't go very far anyway. I wandered around the internet, looking for super small, four seat things. Waste of time, save to ...

boby brown1

revolution, green cars is a real shock, just as we must understand that one day, oil is over, what other resources? there are many who can not afford. are very expensive Read More

boby brown1 replied to a thread
10 years ago

Happy May Day by El_Jost

The significance of May Day for me is more or less as per the Wikipedia definition: May Day on May 1 is an ancient Northern Hemisphere spring festival and usually a public holiday; it is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures. What does ...

boby brown1

Who may I say it was the happiest day of shee life Read More

boby brown1 created a thread
10 years ago


good at all, if someone can help me with a project, it's Earth Day in June 5 Read More