Cafe Latte

Cafe Latte


Slovenian expat in Cambodia


2 posts

About me


Registration: 16 May 2014


Cafe Latte replied to a thread
10 years ago

Pollution by RowdyRoo

Hello, . IS pollution an issue in Mongolia?

Cafe Latte

It's also stoves in gers around the city causing it and then there's little wind in winter to blow it away. The pollutant concentrations are thousand times higher than WHO recommended levels, people get lung disease, damage and cancer more often ... Read More

Cafe Latte created a thread
10 years ago

Can I stay longer in Mongolia through a visa run?

Through Russia or China if it's possible? I want to do a marathon somewhere in the countryside and ride a motorcycle to have coffee in UB. 6 months would be enough, I will work after that unless if I find a job there. Read More