parnapig39 Ungheria


Espatriata Ungherese in India
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I'm a hungarian living in Bangalore, India with my indian husband and our 2 small kids.

Sono un utente di dal 04 Giugno 2010

  • Parlo Hungarian, english
Registro delle attività
  • parnapig39
    espatriato a Bangalore

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Dicembre 2010
Bangalore, India
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Traffic is not the best, but still way better than Mumbai's. People are staring here too, but atleast with a kind smile (not with a suspicious one, than they do in Delhi).

Dic 2009 - Dic 2010
Nuova Delhi, India
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Not safe; a lot of rude, misbehaving people; late opening and early closing time; terrible climate; and though I didn't expect this from the capital, but people are shamelessly staring and pointing with fingers at foreigners.

Gen 2008 - Dic 2009
Bombay, India
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Crowd, dust, non-stop traffic jams, too open culture

Set 2000 - Nov 2007
Budapest, Ungheria
Mostra tutto

Gone to college in Budapest, then my job kept me there.

Bit fast city for a girl from a small town, bit costly, at that time I found it crowded - though it's nowhere to India's crowd

Gen 1982 - Ago 2000
Baja, Ungheria