isabelbre Germany


German expat in England
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I am an anthropology student from Berlin currently finishing up an MA at London's University College. I am currently doing research in Berlin! I am looking to meet young Europeans from all over Europe who have moved to Berlin post 2008. The move should in some way be related to the Euro crisis and economic conditions in your home country. This will give me an idea why people chose Berlin over other cities in Europe, how they get along here, how they live, what distinguishes Berlin from other cities and what people's plans for the future are. It will also provide an alternative view on the crisis and how it affects people's everyday lives. If this sounds like you, get in touch! I'd like to meet you, talk to you about your move etc and see where you live. It's going to be easy, no worries. Looking forward to meet you!

I joined on 02 June 2014.

Expat experience

I am currently living here