aleman42 Germany


German expat in Peru
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I have been driving from Philadelphia, PA with my dog and a friend since January and am now in Santa Ana, Costa Rica awaiting the sale of my van and shipment of items to Quito, Ecuador so I can book a flight and start a life somewhere in Ecuador. Not quite sure where in Ecuador since I have never been there before. I am a photojournalist and am also interested in opening a small restaurant/bar. The restaurant idea came to me as travel and finding good food on a budget was extremely difficult and I missed certain foods that I enjoyed living in a big city as well as having good, organic ingredients to cook in a kitchen. I will stay in Quito for a week or so and then set up a temporary home base, rent a vehicle and explore the country so I may find a more permanent home. I would like the convenience of a city and the plethora of restaurants and markets providing fresh meats, vegetable and fruit, etc. for the restaurants and home, but do enjoy a bit of space for myself and for my dog, Jake. I would be without an owned vehicle for a while so walking would be the desired mode of transport. If anyone could give me any ideas and/or locations that sound like they may suit me, I would appreciate any help given!

I joined on 09 June 2014.

  • I can speak English/German/working on the Spanish

Expat experience

Mar 2011 - Jul 2013
Berlin, Peru
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On location for work and possible move

