hshepherd USA


American looking for information about Vanuatu
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I'm from South Carolina,I have extensive work experience in maintiance,electrical,plumbing,and was a painting contractor,maintiance supervisor. I'm currently an engineer with industraies ,working with hydrolic gangways .Looking for any position to help me to move and then get my family there as soon as possiable, My father is interested in investing in a snorkeling boat. Chris Shepherd 1-803-432-4537 USA Eastren time ..Call anytime day or night. E mail...hshepherd@carolina.rr.com...Father also interested in small matiance work for cottage or small apt. he's 53 and retired and has small income with him and wife .They ran a plumbing ,electrical and carpentry business in the states.....Alt # to call 1-803-432-4537 or write to 1207 woodlawn dr, Camden,S.C. 29020 USA

I joined expat.com on 09 June 2014.

  • Interests fishing and diving

Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here