Irish expat in Malta
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Mosta
Registration: 09 June 2014

The best apps for expats in Malta by Priscilla
Hello, We invite you to share information regarding some of the apps that have helped to facilitate your move abroad in Malta. This will help expats-to-be who are making the move as well. Which apps did you use while preparing your move to ...

www maltapark.com is the one of the best places for property, jobs etc Read More

public notary by adlabr
does anyone know of a trustworthy and Cheap PUBLIC notary? is just to certify my passport. thanks

I conducted some business with George Spiteri DeBono and I found him be very professional. Read More

Moving in 1 week - a few questions by blackangelheart
Hi, First of all a big hello to everyone :) I'm new to this forum and will be moving to Malta with my partner in 1 week :-) We're super excited and I've been (silently) reading threads on accommodation including tips and warnings. My ...

Think low rise street with nice cars parked on it. These will have families and long term residents. Not high rise apartment blocks with short termers and students. Read More

Health Check by Pete38
Hi Been resident in Malta for 7 months in St Pauls bay I am a UK pensioner with my S1 Certificate. I would like to know if I can get a health check at a Maltese clinic as it is 3 years since I had one in the UK. also how do I find locations of ...

I went Mosta Clinic with a terrible ear ache last week. I have an e residency card. Only 8 people in front of the queue and excellent, friendly service. Read More

Windows 10. by F0xgl0ve
Just tried to set up the weather app. in Windows 10 and it seems that Microsoft don't know that Gozo exists let alone Gharb. Anyone know of a good Media player for videos which can run on Windows 10 as,at first look, I don't like their new ...

I like that you boot into desktop again and that the app menu is reached from here. Job well done. Read More

Windows 10. by F0xgl0ve
Just tried to set up the weather app. in Windows 10 and it seems that Microsoft don't know that Gozo exists let alone Gharb. Anyone know of a good Media player for videos which can run on Windows 10 as,at first look, I don't like their new ...

I am currently at 71% of the download. This should keep me occupied for a few hours. Read More

Information about malta wanted by cath131
Hi I am new to the forum so please bear with me. My husband is getting made redundant later this year and we were thinking of going to Malta for possibly 3 months early next year until we decided what to do. We would like a month in buggibba a ...

Airbnb or TripAdvisor would be good for this type of letting Read More

How not to apply for E-Residence ! by ricky
It can't really be the heat as an excuse for someone from Spain -)) http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/news/court_and_police/55539/court_told_how_spanish_woman_assaulted_policeman_at_identity_malta_offices#.VbY5LPnkosc Cheers Ricky

A couple of months of porridge will soften her cough. Read More

Computer keyboard layout by biskuttin
Hi, does anyone know which is the most used / standard layout for computer keyboards in Malta? Which is the layout used in IT companies? Which is used by Maltese people at home? Thanks

Querty, same as the uk Read More

University by yurijgnf
Hi there does anyone know when people who have applied to the university generally get sent acceptance letters? I applied in april and still havent heard anything i messaged recentley and they said they are currently reviewing my application but ...

https://www.expat.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=281137 Found it Read More

University by yurijgnf
Hi there does anyone know when people who have applied to the university generally get sent acceptance letters? I applied in april and still havent heard anything i messaged recentley and they said they are currently reviewing my application but ...

There was a thread like this before and people didn't receive acceptance letter until September. I will try to find it. Be prepared to deal with a lot of bureaucracy. Read More

Hello from Tunisia by Maleko
Hi This is Malek from Tunisia and I am introducing myself :par: Last week I got my work permit approved and now I am applying for the visa, the move is planned for 15 July. I am a software engineer, I got a job offer from a company in Malta and ...

It's easier when you get here. I would wait a couple of months if you can. It much easier outside of the peak tourist season. Try maltapark property section. Read More

New bus fares and cards by F0xgl0ve
If you have not seen the article in the 'Times of Malta' the link below will take you to the new ticket/fares/card system for the ...

Worked perfectly fine for me this morning. It deducted 0.75 on the first bus and it just said "transfer" when I got on the next one within the 2 hour limit. I dont see what all the fuss is about. I suppose I might just have been lucky. Read More

New bus fares and cards by F0xgl0ve
If you have not seen the article in the 'Times of Malta' the link below will take you to the new ticket/fares/card system for the ...

I got my card today and just topped it up with €20. I am not going anywhere until Friday but I will keep you posted on an problems. So far, so good for me. Read More

Impact of refugee population on daily living? by Wild Hare
Thanks in advance for any comments on this subject. American retired couple keen to return to Malta for indefinite period rental after having last visited a decade ago. Understand the EU 'open borders' policies have changed things on the ...

There are some Africa and Islamic Refugees on the island but the EU influence would have introduced more workers from EU states that the former. Malta has always had a large visitor population anyway. Read More