

New member

American looking for information about Belize

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Registration: 02 July 2014


rydog replied to a thread
10 years ago

Is anyone driving through Mexico from the U.S. to Belize in March? by KatharineAndMaurice

It would undoubtedly be safer to drive through Mexico in a group or caravan of at least two cars. Is anyone planning a trip by car from the U.S. to Belize in March? My partner and I are weighing the pros and cons of the trip by plane or by car with ...


We are looking at April with our dog but entering through Laredo. If you are flexible on the dates (we are to some extent, have a house rented in Belize mid April) let me know! Read More

rydog replied to a thread
10 years ago

Caravan wanted by Ruetta

We are looking to join or put together a caravan driving fromTexas to Belize. Our departure dates are around November 26th 2014 or we could do sometime in early January 2015. We are new to this so we are hoping for someone with some experience ...


Not sure if everyone has seen it or not but* has a free PDF book on their website that talks about routes and things to know. Its pretty up to date and can't beat the price. You can buy a physical copy on amazon if you would ... Read More

rydog replied to a thread
10 years ago

Caravan wanted by Ruetta

We are looking to join or put together a caravan driving fromTexas to Belize. Our departure dates are around November 26th 2014 or we could do sometime in early January 2015. We are new to this so we are hoping for someone with some experience ...


We are considering driving down but not until April. Any takers then? Read More

rydog replied to a thread
10 years ago

home brew in Belize? by canoe-mom

Here in the states, craft beers and home brewing have become a great hobby and sometimes even opened up into new brands available on local markets. Its obvious that Belikin has a monopoly on the beer there but has anyone heard of any home brew ...


Do you happen to know what the brewing limits are? Seems like ingredients are tough to locate still. Grains, hops... anyone have suggestions on where to purchase? Read More