DHuong Stati Uniti


Espatriato Americano in Vietnam
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Hi.I am a native born Floridian,a veteran,and have been living in Vietnam for about 13 months now.I love fitness & exercise,good nutrition,the outdoors (especially the beach),psychology,human behavior,animals & life in general. I don't know any English speaking people here at this time & don't speak Vietnamese yet,but hope to one day.Nice to find this blog site.Feel free to contact me & add me as a contact, as i enjoy meeting, & want to meet, all kinds of people from all over the world.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 04 Luglio 2014

  • Parlo English
  • Interessi personali good food, sports, martial arts, Fitness & Exercise, New & Different People
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  • DHuong
    espatriato in Vietnam

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