Kate Deam África do Sul

Kate Deam

Kate Deam, expatriada Sul-Africano em França
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1 artigo no f�rum


I have lived in France for 17 years. I love the outdoors and being active, especially on glorious sunny days. Like most South Africans I enjoy being around people, socialising, sharing and having a good laugh. I am also very proudly South African and although I appreciate France very much, still miss home. I am always happy to make contact with other South Africans. I am interested in business, art, music, sport, hiking and animals.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 21 Julho 2014.

  • Falo English, Afrikaans, French
  • Gosto de sport, nature, animals, music and art
Registro de atividade
  • Kate Deam
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados França

Experi�ncia expat

Estou a viver aqui agora
África do Sul
África do Sul