lookingforworkerinusa EUA


Lookingforworkerinusa, Americana
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Helo, I am looking for Burmese (fuent) speakers for a temp job to travel from 9/30- 11/30. It pays $200 per day (9 hour work day), hotel and flight paid for. Must be USA citizen and speak fluent Burmese. Must have or be able to obtain health and life insurance licenses, but you can acquire these prior to 9/30 if you do not have them. They are pretty easy to get if you don't have them and someone will walk you through the process. Please email me asap if you're interested! You can live anywhere in the USA since it is a travel job. **Need at least 7 people** Thanks!

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 01 Agosto 2014.

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  • lookingforworkerinusa
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