ifriedberg4550 EUA


Ifriedberg4550, Americano procurando informa��o sobre na Costa Rica
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I will soon be retiring, receiving social security at age 62. I was in the healthcare industry, a pharmacist for 23 years, but I am no longer licensed. I write, self-published on Amazon and I am trying to market some children's books. I am originally from New York, moved to South Florida at age 22, relocated to New Jersey for 2 years and have returned. I am single, divorced with 2 grown sons and 3 small grandchildren in Florida. I am considering living in Costa Rica, but would like to share expenses since I will be living on social security and hopefully, royalties from my writing. I have access to Jet Blue flights, as my son works for them, providing me with flight benefits.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 04 Agosto 2014.

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  • ifriedberg4550
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Costa Rica

Experi�ncia expat

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Costa Rica
Costa Rica
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