there's just too much i can say here, and maybe too much about it that can be true or can not be true... it is not just beauty that's in the eyes of the beholder... truth as well, i guess. then what about me which might interest you? the play i can execute with the words i write? or the melodramatic theme of life which happened in different and many times in it... though i can write, paint, play sports, solve a fuzzy logic, create sounds with a piano... nothing excites me than having dinner with friends and playing at timezone once a week... there's an old hermit in me, and a jolly kid at the same time. and in the deep recesses of my brain there lies a simple truth about the writer, the painter, the mathematician in me... i choose to remain simple.
Sono un utente di dal 06 Agosto 2014
Altre foto scattate da RaelCipriani
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