American looking for information about United Arab Emirates
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Lives in Washington
Registration: 07 August 2014

22,500 AED PER MONTH! Enough to live off in Dubai? by NatalieBarry92
Is the above offer enough to live off comfortably in Dubai?

More than evoking unless you try to live like prince! Read More

Whether 17000 Dhs. is enough to enjoy life in dubai by abhi_abhi
Hi, Like anyother new comer in dubai, i have same question about cost of living in dubai. I tried to browse details over internet and need your advise whether 17000 Dhs. per month is good salary to accept. I am married. Please help me with cost of ...

You're welcome! Let me know if you have anymore questions! Read More

22,500 AED PER MONTH! Enough to live off in Dubai? by NatalieBarry92
Is the above offer enough to live off comfortably in Dubai?

More than enough! Unless you fall into the trap of living like a prince. It is easy to do this in Dubai because it is essentially designed to make you spend and boy will you spend if you're not careful. Dubai is expensive but you can be ... Read More

Whether 17000 Dhs. is enough to enjoy life in dubai by abhi_abhi
Hi, Like anyother new comer in dubai, i have same question about cost of living in dubai. I tried to browse details over internet and need your advise whether 17000 Dhs. per month is good salary to accept. I am married. Please help me with cost of ...

17,000 Dirhams/AED=4,628.43 dollars. I'm American so I'm calculating the exchange in dollars. Anyhow, you can live comfortably with a salary of 17,000AED. I mean, you are not going to be living lavishly but you can live an extremely decent life ... Read More

Safety in the United Arab Emirates by Christine
Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in the United Arab Emirates? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do ...

I visited the United Arab Emirates from November 2014-March 2015. I would have to say that it is one of the most safest places in the World that I've visited. There is very little crime and you can definitely walk yourself around both at night ... Read More