S.M . jahangiralam Bangladesh

S.M . jahangiralam

Citoyen Bangladais
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S.M . jahangiralam, vill:west Brighton a, post office:Ram dash at postcode:4336 police station:Hathazari District:chittagong BANGLADESH. Mobile:+8801819624089 Email:exporterjahangir@yahoo.com. sir/madam, I will come from Bangladesh, I have good English language , urdu, Hinderwell, I have driveing listen in uae, also I have experience sale man, supervisor in super market, I have practical experience car Radiator and car exhaust repair . so if you like me, please contact us me. Your best regards S.M . jahangiralam Bangladesh

Je suis membre depuis le 15 Août 2014.

  • Je parle Arabic, English, urdu, Hinderwell
  • Dans la vie, j'aime salesman ordriver
Activité récente
  • S.M . jahangiralam
    a rejoint la communauté Bangladesh

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