English expat in Belgium
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Registration: 07 September 2014

NethenBob replied to a thread

Math Tutor who speaks English by gfoster
I need a math tutor for my 9th grader. She only speaks English. In school in Brussels. If anyone can help me find one, I'd really appreciate it.

Hi, mathstutorbxl@gmail.com UK qualified (it's not me, I used to tutor maths though :-) ) Read More

NethenBob replied to a thread

Party supplies by Oscarthesharkslayer
Hi there, I live in the centre of brussels and wanted to know where I could find supplies for a party, more specifically large cups for drinks and that are suitable for beer pong, I have looked in several Carrefours even the big ones and they only ...

Try a branch of Ava: ava.be/winkels/ Read More