English looking for information about Saudi Arabia
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 16 September 2014

New members of the Bulgaria forum, introduce yourselves here - 2019 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Bulgaria forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Really?? Let me know how did it go with the purchase. I am planning to move and will be hunting for a house soon. Notaries are that expensive? xee Read More

New members of the Bulgaria forum, introduce yourselves here - 2019 by Julien
Hi all, Newbie on the Bulgaria forum? Don't know how to start? This thread is for you ;) We invite you to introduce yourself on this topic, to share with us your expat story if you are already living in the country, or to tell us more on ...

Hello, Not moved yet, but will be soon. Would welcome any first hand experience? Xee Read More

Social life in Riyadh for western expats? by Xeehan
Hello All. Ill be moving to Riyadh in Jan and wondering what the social scene would be? Also why is it that most expats prefer drivers rather than getting their own cars in saudi?

#thanks Mike. Interesting .. I am prepared to accept flashes and odd nifs nafs and what I call 'Magical Scratches. i.e appear when you are not around your car. Totally agree with dealer service levels are notoriously low grade across the middle ... Read More

Social life in Riyadh for western expats?
Hello All. Ill be moving to Riyadh in Jan and wondering what the social scene would be? Also why is it that most expats prefer drivers rather than getting their own cars in saudi? Read More