Robert Hayes Stati Uniti

Robert Hayes

Cittadino Americano che cerca informazioni in Croazia
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I am a retired psychologist who specialized in treating survivors of trauma Civilian and fellow combat veterans. I am moving to Pula in early October 2014, and have a girlfriend there in Pula. I am a disabled veteran and retired from government service. I have the opportunity tob egin my life essentially over again. I love to garden and a great hobby that easily can turn into a small business teaching molding and casting with RTV. I know I will need top urchase a used vehicle and we will need to acquire lodging when I arrive. I am stronglyi nterested in Roman culture,history, and anthropology. I have taught and lectured at many iniversities here in the USA in training treators of Post Traumatic Stress DIsorder, Including the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces. i am a quick learnera nd not one to give up easily. I love to lean and share since I always seem to learn from a good discussion. i jokingly say i am seeking political asylum from the strict conservatives here. Not too proud to seek or ask for assistance or help and to share help I can offer.

Sono un utente di dal 18 Settembre 2014

  • Parlo American English
  • Interessi personali gardening, hobbies (large scale model cars
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  • Robert Hayes
    espatriato in Croazia

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