dunesrisedesert Inghilterra


Espatriato Inglese in Inghilterra
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Always believe in who you are nobody can take that away from you. I will always respect all kinds of people because we can learn so many things from each other. I love food from most countries and my best dishes are from the Philippines.Italia.Turkey.Wales,France and SA. I would like to see all Filipino ladies being respected by some employers in the Gulf States. Always believe in yourself and never let a man or a woman stand in your way to achieve your goals. Love love and love the people close to you. Never give up on a good thing. Reach for your dreams. Always count on your blessings. I want all woman to stand tall never let any man use your body and treat you like a slave. Your body belongs to you. Always stay strong. . I love to walk in the country side and also to cycle along the hills of Wales and Scotland. I would love to meet people of similar interest so that we can share many with each other. I want to see less children suffering because we have so many blessings that God gives us. Please remember all the poor children during this time of the year we should all be giving something back to them to them to make our world a better place for all the children in need. How can we sleep when there are so any who suffer each minute of the day.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 19 Settembre 2014

  • Parlo Woman of the Middle East should be respected.I support Human Rights for all people.Save the children in Africa.I support Femmes Africa.I support the Aids programs in Africa.I support fresh drinking water for all in the world.
  • Interessi personali cricket, jogging, volley ball, Sports: playing tennis, jogging near the beach.
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  • dunesrisedesert
    espatriato in Inghilterra

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Apr 2000 - Set 2015
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