Egyptian looking for information about England
3 posts
About me
Lives in Cairo
Speaks Arabic. English and some Slovak
Registration: 12 July 2010
introduction, help and friendship.... by Chimaa
Hey everyone! Just wanted to say hello to everyone currently in Cairo. I hope to be living/working in there soon but haven't a clue where to start! So if anyone is up for helping it would be much appreciated. I have a rough idea what areas I would ...
Hi there whose name is not Chimaa :D, Hope this finds you well. So how is Cairo treating you? Cairo is an amazing place only if you know where to go and what to do. There are places where expats like to live in like Maadi and Zamalek areas. If you ... Read More
what do you really like & hate about living in Egypt? by SophsRianna
Asalam 3alaikum! Hi everyone. I know that with living everywhere there are likes and dislikes, i would like to know what these are in Egypt. Anything unique to Egypt also ? I live in UK. Also, differences between Cairo and Alex, something that may ...
Al Salam alikom, Hope this finds you well. Cairo is the city that does not sleep. I do not know if you would regard this as a good thing or not. Alex is pretty quite all year long except on vacations. People are usually friendly towards ... Read More