Saudi citizen
Forum posts
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Lives in Qatif
Registration: 12 October 2014

Does Skype and FaceTime work in KSA ? by SusanGilbert
Hello everyone, I'm moving to Jeddah next week from Dubai on a work contract and was wondering, are VoIP apps such as viber ,whatsapp blocked is Saudi Arabia as well ? We have same problem here in Dubai and I use NordVPN since it provides a ...

You are most welcome Susan. Glad to be of assistance. Let me know if you need anything else. Read More

Does Skype and FaceTime work in KSA ? by SusanGilbert
Hello everyone, I'm moving to Jeddah next week from Dubai on a work contract and was wondering, are VoIP apps such as viber ,whatsapp blocked is Saudi Arabia as well ? We have same problem here in Dubai and I use NordVPN since it provides a ...

Hi Susan, Welcome to Saudi Arabia. The WhatsApp calls used to work but I just tried it now it didn’t. Viper is blocked. FaceTime works if you use iPhone. I will double check the what’s up and let you know. Read More

Fun in Khobar? by enjangu
Hi. What is there for a single woman to do in Khobar on the weekends (besides go to Bahrain)?

If you like off-roading I would recommend the following book which provide comprehensive plans and lists attraction sites. The book title is Desert Treks from Al Khobar Read More

Looking for friends in Al Khobar by Johnathon
Hello, I am an American working in Saudi Arabia and I am about to lose my mind here. There is not really anything to do but eat, sleep and go to the mall! LOL. Of course there is no chance for social interaction at the mall. I think I would be ...

Yes it is very dificult Read More

Do and don't in Saudi Arabia - 2015 by Homoud.only
Hi That's true , but still the expenses her cheaper than other countries beside Tax Free, Thanksi think those are the most advantage living here (:

I totally agree. Read More