Nigerian expat in the United Arab Emirates
3 posts
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Lives in Abu dhabi
Registration: 18 October 2014
Accommodation in Al Ruwais by suria
Hi, i'm Suria from Malaysia. Can anyone please help me on how much is the average rental rate for a room in Al Ruwais? Is it easy to get a room there? Appreciate yr help :)
it is difficult getting a apartment for rent in ruwais because they are all allocated by Adnoc to their staffs, though some of them usually rent it out, but if the housing authority finds out you will be evicted without notice...other close options ... Read More
Moving to Ruwais! by alexh13
Hello all! I'm a single American female moving to Ruwais to teach in August. I noticed that there isn't too much about the city on here--anyone have any information? Any insight about living there helps! Cheers, Alex
The closest place to get a apartment will be at ghayati which is not far from ruwais, but there is now a nice mall at the ruwais housing. Read More