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Indian looking for information about Belgium

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Lives in Hyderabad

Registration: 20 October 2014


harish.chandra replied to a thread
9 years ago

Moving to Brussels from India by GuestPoster134

Hi, My husband has been offered a job in Brussels and is in process of applying for his Visa. I will be applying later once he gets his residence card. I had few questions: 1: How much time does it take for the dependent visa to process? 2: Can ...


Thanks Aneesh, So let's see. Mostly I will get the registered rental contract by next week. Will keep posted once I get the decision from Consulate. Thanks and Regards, Harishchandra Read More

harish.chandra replied to a thread
9 years ago

Moving to Brussels from India by GuestPoster134

Hi, My husband has been offered a job in Brussels and is in process of applying for his Visa. I will be applying later once he gets his residence card. I had few questions: 1: How much time does it take for the dependent visa to process? 2: Can ...


Thanks Aneesh, Few more doubts. If mine and my spouse's name is added as the tenants, is it necessary to sign the rental contract by both of us or its OK if only my wife signs it. Because since it is required for my visa I think my name should ... Read More

harish.chandra replied to a thread
10 years ago

Moving to Brussels from India by GuestPoster134

Hi, My husband has been offered a job in Brussels and is in process of applying for his Visa. I will be applying later once he gets his residence card. I had few questions: 1: How much time does it take for the dependent visa to process? 2: Can ...


Thanks Aneesh for your reply. I received a letter from Mumbai Consulate to submit a registered rental contract / residence proof. So they asked either of one. I submitted Form 15 received from City Hall by my wife, declaration from landlord and a ... Read More

harish.chandra replied to a thread
10 years ago

Moving to Brussels from India by GuestPoster134

Hi, My husband has been offered a job in Brussels and is in process of applying for his Visa. I will be applying later once he gets his residence card. I had few questions: 1: How much time does it take for the dependent visa to process? 2: Can ...


Dear Aneesh, Thanks for your kind reply. The problem happened in my case is, while applying for visa we had rented the place till 14/02/2014 and the same date was mentioned in my visa application also. Now Belgium Ministry have taken a decision on ... Read More

harish.chandra replied to a thread
10 years ago

Moving to Brussels from India by GuestPoster134

Hi, My husband has been offered a job in Brussels and is in process of applying for his Visa. I will be applying later once he gets his residence card. I had few questions: 1: How much time does it take for the dependent visa to process? 2: Can ...


I am surprised that Anushree got her dependent visa in less than a week. I had applied for Family Reunion visa along with my wife's student visa on 12/11/2014. My visa application file was sent to Belgium ministry and on 23rd Feb 2015 I was ... Read More