American expat in Costa Rica
Forum posts
About me
Lives in San Jose
Registration: 21 October 2014

Pickleball Players needed by thorpel
My wife and I have recently relocated here from Washington state. We are looking for pickleball players. We have paddles, balls and a portable net. We play here in San Ramon on basketball and tennis courts*****. Tony and Celeste

I would like to play pickleball here in Costa Rica but have struggled to find people interested. I live in San Jose and I have found a player that also is looking in Santa Ana. You are about 2 hours from me, he is about 1 1/2 hours away. If we ... Read More

Pickleball Players needed by thorpel
My wife and I have recently relocated here from Washington state. We are looking for pickleball players. We have paddles, balls and a portable net. We play here in San Ramon on basketball and tennis courts*****. Tony and Celeste

I would very much like to play but I am in San Jose. I live here but have never played Pickleball here, only when I visit the U.S. do I get a chance to play. Anyone out there in San Jose interested??? Read More