American looking for information about Argentina
3 posts
About me
Registration: 22 October 2014
Schools - What are the different levels of schooling? by mari6cruz
I have a 12 year old and would like to know what level of schooling (what is Middle School called there?) will he need to attend there? I am looking at various areas but want to make sure these schools are around the areas I am looking at. Any ...
Thanks for taking the time to reply to my inquiry! It really helps me to understand and prepare. Thanks for including pricing so I can also include that in our budgeted expenses. Read More
Schools - What are the different levels of schooling?
I have a 12 year old and would like to know what level of schooling (what is Middle School called there?) will he need to attend there? I am looking at various areas but want to make sure these schools are around the areas I am looking at. Any ... Read More