
Eric Feerman


New member

Mexican expat in Brazil

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Rio de Janeiro

Speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese

Registration: 26 October 2014


Eric Feerman
feegame replied to a thread
8 years ago

drive with lights on by spanishpete

Hi there Expats My wife was stopped by the police yesterday, while driving the car, and was told by the police men, that every one driving, must do so with the light on, dose any one know about the law, that's just come in

Eric Feerman

Exactly like xmas LOL, what can I say?, the car came with those.... even in summer, even in rio where winter doesn't exists at all Read More

Eric Feerman
feegame replied to a thread
8 years ago

drive with lights on by spanishpete

Hi there Expats My wife was stopped by the police yesterday, while driving the car, and was told by the police men, that every one driving, must do so with the light on, dose any one know about the law, that's just come in

Eric Feerman

The LED lights around the fog lights can be used instead? Read More

Eric Feerman
feegame replied to a thread
8 years ago

Things to do in Rio de Janeiro during the weekends by Christine

Hi, What do you usually do on your weekends in Rio de Janeiro? Are there any places to visit, any activities, any events or festivals regularly organized you would like to recommend? What are your top tips for the weekend in Rio de ...

Eric Feerman

Crash into your friend's pool house with beers and picanha for a churrasco, that's one of the most popular things to do on weekends Read More