JaneMM Canada


Canadian expat in Saudi Arabia
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How do you sum stuff up on a public profile. I'm Canadian, Irish and British...just recently had an interesting chat about this loose national identity thing. Am an English teacher. Started out in Japan a few years ago and thought I really must step up my game. Just finished my MA. Was great. Even better now that it's done. I've seen people write in their profiles all the things they like to do...well, got no answer to that question yet. Many of the things I do in London, well, I won't be doing them in Riyadh. So, I'll do basically anything besides non-stop eating-a couple of former teacher friends have said to watch this. Sure, it's great but so are other things. Have had stints in the gym in the past and I guess no harm in returning to that. Am keen on reading, kind of smart stuff and keeping my brains intact. Great chat, sight seeing and walking around interesting areas once the temperatures are a little more moderate. After that, who knows? Must find out how to correct the typo in Riyadh. Take care, Jane

I joined expat.com on 27 October 2014.

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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia