Artistic Poet

Artistic Poet


American looking for information about Japan


2 posts

About me


Lives in New Orleans

Registration: 23 July 2010


Artistic Poet replied to a thread
13 years ago

Living in Shizuoka by

You are an expatriate living in Shizuoka, or you used to work and live in Shizuoka. Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in Shizuoka? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? Is it ...

Artistic Poet

hey howare you? i have a new question, i am doing pre med right now and will start med school in about 2 years, my question is, how can i get a job as a foreign doctor and is it possible to open my own clinic like in the United States. I know i will ... Read More

Artistic Poet replied to a thread
14 years ago

Living in Shizuoka by

You are an expatriate living in Shizuoka, or you used to work and live in Shizuoka. Share your expat experience! How would you describe life in Shizuoka? Has it been complicated to settle down, to find a job, and an accomodation? Is it ...

Artistic Poet

That city sounds like paradise, Shizuoka is where id really consider moving to and staying for awhile or even settling down there. Can you tell me more about shizuoka like climate schools people culture festivals food lifestyles etc? ive read all I ... Read More