Saudi citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Jeddah
Speaks english,arabic, little japanese
Registration: 09 November 2014

Jeddah expat meet ups by m.baj
hello there i made this topic to see how many people are interested in meeting up getting to know the city and the country if you are in jeddah i can organize a trip every other week pleas right back here if you are interested by the way am a local ...

Brighton Read More

Jeddah expat meet ups
hello there i made this topic to see how many people are interested in meeting up getting to know the city and the country if you are in jeddah i can organize a trip every other week pleas right back here if you are interested by the way am a local ... Read More

7k a month cover living expenses by kanjizai
I was wondering what kind of life can be maintained on 7k a month for one person. Would one be able to cover rent, gym, Internet, petrol, and food? If so, could someone give me an idea of what kind a neighborhood would be available? Thanks!

it all depend on you but i will try to lay some info for you i have no info about living in compound which most of the internationals do however living normally i can give some info first where to live the average of living in an apartment with 3 ... Read More

Do and don't in Saudi Arabia by expat.com
Are you living in Saudi Arabia? We need you to share your experience of the local customs :) Is it difficult to adjust to the local customs in Saudi Arabia? Could you please share with us a list of the do's and don't's in Saudi Arabia? Thanks!

it wouldn't be permanent until she find some one to drive her personally on the plus side the taxi expenses here are very low so it wouldn't make that much of a deference plus it is cheap to buy your own car here considering no taxes charge ... Read More

any help inside jeddah by kloood
Hi I am live in jeddah and anyone needed help or a question or service or anything in any place inside jeddah , I am ready to help you especially for new people to Jeddah. I will try to do the best for you. Regards khalid [Moderated : For ...

the cheapest car in the country with good reliability is Geely the new Chinese brand of car or you can get Accent from Hyundai they both range from 30,000 Saudi Riyal to 40,000 i wish this can help you if you need more help hit me back Read More