English expat in Mauritius
Forum posts
About me
Lives in La Gaullette
Speaks English and Creole
Registration: 10 November 2014

Child factory by Daniejacobsz
Good day, Can anyone advise where the Earth Child factory store is in Mauritius?

As far as I know it's in Quatre Bonne somewhere Read More

irish in mauritius by alanah
hi im new to the site, im looking for irish people who live in mauritius to make new friends my husband is mauritian we plan to move there get in touch would love to hear from anyone:)

Jen, I was just wondering how I could somehow tag u in this thread!! Georgia xxx Read More

public pre primary schools cost for a non Mauritian child by sadiyamusa
Pls can anyone tell me how much public pre primary schools cost for a non Mauritian child. I will be in Mauritius by January and am spending only 1 yr.

Hi, my daughter goes to a Mauritian nursery (Pre primary) in La Gaulette. Well, it is kind of public / private.) it cost Rs840 per month, with a Rs1000 deposit every January (to cover cost of stationary etc) The price has just increased from Rs ... Read More

Mom's groups in Tamarin by georgieandboy
Hi everyone. We are planning on moving to Mauritius in July this year (from South Africa). I am a mom of two young kiddies. My daughter is 4 years and my son is 2 years. I am wondering if there are any moms in the Tamarin area that meet regularly? ...

Hi! Living in Tamarin u will meet LOADS of Mums there!! U just really have 2 out yourself out there, if your kids start nursery, Ask someone for a coffee and I promise you that 1 Coffee invite will lead to You making lots of new friends! If your ... Read More

Importing car to Mauritius from UK as "returning" citizen by Neo-UK
I'm moving to Mauritius next month (mid-June) and wish to take my car over from the UK. I have never been to Mauritius before, but I am in the process of applying for my Mauritius passport as I am Mauritian by descent (mother). I have read on ...

Hi MangoLassi, We used Bureau Veritas, they are the only ones who can do it, I think thats why they are so bloody rude on the phone as they know this!! the price is £380 but you absoloutly need this paper from them to import your car ... Read More

Meditation and Yoga in Mauritius by dpapap
Hi Does anyone know of any meditation groups in Mauritius and yoga classes. I am in the Flic en Flac area. I have been practicing meditation for 3 years through the triatna buddhist community and it's been brilliantanyone on this rock who ...

Thank u Dpapap! :D Read More

Private school accessible from the south? by pamsie
Hello, I was wondering if there are any private schools (preferably english speaking) that is close to the south of the island? We are planning to move to the south near Gris Gris in Souillac and we are looking for a school for our 3 year old ...

Hi, for a 3 year old there is 1 nursery called Les P'tite dauphin La Gaulette, and there are a few in Tamarin, you have Tiny Tots and La cas De Bambins that I know of, and there are also a few in Flic en Flac, Hope this helps! Georgia Read More

Help finding this nursery please?
Hi Guys! So once again I'm turning 2 u guys 4 help - I have nooo idea how I would cope if I hadn't have found this website lol!! I found on a website that there is a private nursery called les p'tits dauphins in La ... Read More

Maternity Class :) living in La Gaulette- Moms gathering ? by Agnes Saulina Sitorus Khadun
Hi everyone, I'm a first time mother and I'm 6 months old pregnant. I'm from Indonesia and married to a Mauritian. I live in the South, La Gaulette, and I wonder if there is any maternity class or moms gathering around, I get a little ...

Hi! I can't help with the maternity classes, sorry! But i also live in La Gaulette, and stay at home most days! Im also married 2 a Mauritan. I have 3 children so if i can b of ne help with the pregnancy let me know. Would u like 2 meet up? ... Read More

Budget - help on taxes please?
Hi Guys! So I heard that in the budget they announced something about people growing / using organic foods will be exempt from certain taxes for 8 years? Is this right? They also mentioned something about returning Mauritian citizens being ... Read More

hi there - anyone fancy a chat?? by amanda jayne
hi there, I'm looking to chat with ex- pats ( uk) to see what the possibility of moving out to mauritius. Also to look into tracing my mauritian birth father who may or may not have returned there. either way it would be great to chat and poss ...

Hi, I've only been here a few months, so I'm not sure how much help i can b, but I'll try! Im from London. When r u planning on moving here? Where 2? What sort of things do u need 2 know? Georgia Read More

Manage a pre primary school by JACK5
Hi everyone! Does anyone know a young and dynamic lady who would be interested in managing a modern pre primary school situated in Quatre Bornes. Preference would be given to an expat ........selected candidate will have an excellent pakage ...

Hi, Could you please send me some details of exactly what the job would entail, salary and details of the accommodation provided? Could you please also tell me which qualifications are necessary / preferred? Thank you and my kindest ... Read More

School Holidays by Amyh
Hi all. We will be comming to MU on the 18-22 Feb, mainly to visit some schools before we move perminitly in April. We just found out that Thursday the 19 th is a publick holiday, can anyone tell me if the schools will also be closed on Friday? If ...

HI, there is a half term holiday that week . The schools reopen on 23rd Feb so you'd be better off coming here that week instead, in my opinion. Good Luck with the move! Read More

Any views on the new catch and kill dog policy? by daisymay2
It was announced last week that there's to be a new policy to deal with the beach dogs. For two months we had a pilot sterilisation programme when dogs were sterilised for free. This was to be extended this year island wide but instead we have ...

I actually can't believe what i just read on ur link. Perhaps naively, i thought they were still sterilising the dogs. I can't believe that they sterilised the dogs 4 a while, after an article in an English newspaper,and now they think ... Read More

Tour Guides & Tourism Services by igomauritius
Greetings from Paris! We will be based in Mauritius soon. As an on going measure I am trying to identify Tour Guides and Tourism Service Providers in Mauritius who can offer their services to us. "Small is beautiful" will be our ...

HI there, I am looking for Tour Operators to work with, as I have a Table D'hote in Mauritius, and think I have some very exciting proposals to offer! If either of you could help me out, perhaps with some Tour Operator contacts, I would be so ... Read More