German expat in Cambodia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Phnom Penh
Registration: 18 November 2014

Urgent! Web designer needed!
I am seeking for a web designer that's resident in pp for urgent job. If you are interested and for further informations. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Read More

Anyone interested in sponsoring a music event in March? by dori30
In March/April there will be a great music event in Phnom Penh with local and international stars. This time we also want to give smaller firms, companies and offices an opportunity to sponsor our event. In addition to monetary sponsors, we are ...

Thank you vor your suggestions! Read More

Anyone interested in sponsoring a music event in March?
In March/April there will be a great music event in Phnom Penh with local and international stars. This time we also want to give smaller firms, companies and offices an opportunity to sponsor our event. In addition to monetary sponsors, we are ... Read More

Hey!! i'm mike, moving from canada to cambodia with my puppy!!! by MichaelSean84
Hey to everyone here, I'm new yes, but you might be hearing from me a lot as im moving to cambodia alone with my dog and my wheelchair. I could really use a friend once i get there because im a big white easy target though my dog does defend me ...

hey michael, when will you arrive cambodia? Read More