Dear All, have moved from bustling Saigon-Vietnam to serene Phnom Penh and enjoy life here at its best!
Sono un utente di dal 20 Novembre 2014
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Enjoy life and relax at its best!
Khmer people are humble, relaxed, quiet, reliable and friendly (Buddhists) which is a real asset in socialising with them!
VN people are 8 times more habitants and one can feel the pressure of them: rude, reckless, selfish, unthankful and come from behind to rip you off! Lived 17 years in VN and know about them quite a bit (speak VN): since the last 5 years a massive influx of most non-educated North Vietnamese overflow Saigon; literally one can feel the dramatic changes! A once easy-going city has turned into a nightmare of traffic jams, insecurity and over crowding. I will move to Phnom Penh, a 1.8Mio laid back city, where I was based for 5 years and enjoyed excellent, serene Khmer friends.