coolmuma Nuova Zelanda


Espatriato Neozelandese in Qatar
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Hi, we are a New Zealand / Australian family currently living in the middle east. My husband is looking at a job in Split and we are trying to find as much information as possible on life in Split for an expat NZ/Australian family. Are there many expat familes living there? Are there any english speaking schools or nurseries there? Is there a expat mothers group there? What is rental like? We need to find a house not too far from the city but with a good garden. If anyone can shed some light on these questions I'd really appreciate it. I can't find any info on the internet about split and expat families. Many thanks Helen :)

Sono un utente di dal 06 Agosto 2010

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  • coolmuma
    espatriato in Qatar

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Nuova Zelanda
Nuova Zelanda