Slovenian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Ljubljana
Registration: 26 January 2015

Working as a freelancer in Slovenia by Kenjee
Hi, A lot of expats dream of becoming self-employed: we would like to help you to make that dream come true. Can foreigners work as self-employed in Slovenia? What are the formalities to work as a freelancer? What are the pros and cons of ...

Hi, in Slovenija you can work as a sefl employed status. You must pay for social security (appx. 200 /month) and some kind of prepay for tax on profit (appx. 100/month). You have to do accounting. Paying discipline is so-so, for EU is not so ... Read More

Making phone calls in Slovenia by Maximilien
Hi, When settling in Slovenia, one of the priorities is to be able to make phone calls. How to proceed to get a landline installed in Slovenia? What are the mobile operators? What is your average monthly budget? Thank you in advance ...

There are some operators with contract: telekom slovenije (mobitel), simobil, telemach (tu mobil). They all have LTE in mayor citites. There also a prepaid options more.. http://prepaid-data-sim-card.wikia.com/wiki/Slovenia There is a an ... Read More

How to prove my dad was slovenian so that i can get citizenship? by old fox
pls for answer if u can provide them i have 28 year born in 1988 my father has become citizen of Slovenia from her independent. He live and work there even when we all been yugoslavian. So my question is can i gain slovenian passport. from what i ...

Jugoslavija was federal country with states, so if he was slovene in time of Jugoslavija, he gets slovene citizenship when federal feel apart in 1991. Read More