Robier Victor Egypt

Robier Victor

Egyptian looking for information about Russia
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I am Egyptian who went to Russia before 4 times, and I want to go there for the fifth time but for learning Russian language in a university there while operating my shisha "Hooka" club project, if anyone can provide me about any useful info for implementing that project.

I am a male. I am 31 and I was born on 22 August 1993.

I am single. I am employed. I am Budget Assistant.

I joined on 16 February 2015.

  • I can speak I speak Arabic which is my native language
    I speak English, Advanced level from learning it in school and university
    I speak little French from learning it in shcool
    I speak little Russian from learning it in my last trip to Omsk, Russia
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here