Rajshekhar Índia


Rajshekhar, expatriado Indiano na Romênia
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I am Indian from tiny state of Goa. Goa was under Portuguese rule and liberated in 1962. I have studied in DMC School of Science, Mapusa and passed Higher Secondary (XII) First division in 2010. Now I want to take up my further studies in Medicine at Romania. I have applied for Admission in University of Constanta Medical school. I have choosen Constanta because it lies on the shore of Black Sea as in Goa I live on the shore of Arabian Sea.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 19 Agosto 2010.

  • Falo English, Hindi, Konkani
  • Gosto de reading, sports, making new friends
Registro de atividade
  • Rajshekhar
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Bucareste

Experiência expat

Desde Outubro 2011
Bucareste, Romênia
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Currently doing my Undergraduates course in Medicine at UMF Carol Davila.

Estou a viver aqui agora