AbsolutAnna Etats-Unis


Expatriée Américaine en Indonésie
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11 posts sur le forum


I am a small town girl from South Carolina until one day I sold everything I owned and moved to Bali, Indonesia with two suitcases. My blog is my outlet for all things I love and allows me to journal all things that inspire me. I also hope to share with you some of my expat experiences about life in Indonesia. Indonesia is such a diverse country with many different cultures and lifestyles. Still Want More? Please step into my world and have a look around.

Je suis membre depuis le 28 Août 2010.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime photography, travel, cooking, design, indonesia, bali
Activité récente
  • AbsolutAnna
    a rejoint la communauté Indonésie

Mon parcours

J'y vis en ce moment
Févr 1982 - Avr 2009
South Carolina, Etats-Unis