Egyptian expat in Cambodia
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Phnom Penh
Registration: 01 April 2015

Gyms in Phnom Penh by nukacolatruck
Hi everyone, Just a general question on which you think are the best gyms in Phnom Penh in terms of value? I used to go to Phnom Penh Sports Club but I'd like to try out a different gym or just to get your views really on the best gyms in the ...

Hey Try the gym at Raffles hotel also quite nice. And you get access to the pool and spa as well. Cheers Read More

Loneliness when you're abroad by Julien
Do you often feel lonely when you're abroad? I personaly suffered on week ends while I was in the UK. Even if I had several friends, I often missed my family and friends (from home). So I walked, visited museum, went to concerts, worked more... ...

I try to call my family and friends weekly to avoid feeling that. Helps a lot!! Read More

new to Pp and would love to meet up with people by bellafonte
Hi. I've been in PP for two weeks and am trying to find work and also live here. I don't really know anyone and would really like to meet up with people with similar stories of leaving home and venturing into a new life. I'm a 40 year ...

Hey there, Hope you're settling down well. Would be nice to get to know you, I have been living in PP since December now and looking to make friends as well. Don't hesitate to get in Touch if you need any info about the city. Cheers Read More

Egyptian in Phnom Penh looking for friends
Hi everyone, My name is Ali, I am Egyptian and just moved to Phnom Penh last December for a new job. Loving the country so far, and would like to get to know more people here to expand my social circle. Cheers!! Read More