Liudmyla Iankina Ucrânia

Liudmyla Iankina

Liudmyla Iankina, expatriada Ucraniana no Líbano
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I just start my living in Lebanon (arround 9 months) and I would like to communicate with some one ukrainian, who also live in this country and maybe even have some expirience of living here. I like culture events, kinds of art, reading books, educate myself and entroduce cultures. But I also would like to not loose the link with my country and wonderful people from Ukraine. For nowadays, after I already little bit start understand Lebanon - I am searching where I can be usefull out of my lebaneese family community (some volonteering or maybe even some part time job as a freelancer). I have very good expirience of working in marketing, sales and project management in Ukraine. Perhaps my expirience can be usefull for some business, which work in Lebanon. It would be great :) What I am doing in Lebanon? - my hasband is lebaneese. And how do I umuse myself? - I am creating the vitrails. And of course learning arabic language, and lots of reading.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 25 Abril 2015.

  • Falo English, Ukrainian, Russian
  • Gosto de books, sport, Art, culture, open air activities, self development and educational events
Registro de atividade
  • Liudmyla Iankina
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Líbano

Experiência expat

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