Je suis membre depuis le 10 Septembre 2010.
Actuellement en dernière année d'école de Commerce, je cherche un travail quelque part en Asie !
J'étudie en dernière année d'école de commerce...j'aimerais travailler en Espagne pour mon prochain job,'en ai trouvé quelques unes mais j'ai besoin de me préparer et de trouver un maximum d'infos. JE voudrais y aller fin mars.
Currently studying at EM Lyon Business School. I would like to find my next job either in Spain (or another European destination like Sweden) either somewhere in Asia.
I worked there for fifteen months. I found job three times here, despite the economic turmoil. I worked for Covidien, IBM, and then Arvato for Google.
I liked lots of stuff here. This was like an initiation travel. I went there before I got graduated and that was great : Dublin is a very exciting and young capital city. All the advantages of a capital city without disadvantages (or not so much).