MemberEnglish citizen
2 posts
About me
Registration: 01 June 2015
In the UK: Looking for at least two bottles of Druk 11000 by Valiante
I'm seeing a very dear friend of mine in 3½ weeks. To say he has fallen in love with Bhutan is an understatement. In fact he has visited on 5 occasions and has even written a heartfelt book detailing his experiences. Needless to say it ...
Thanks. I've contacted a Bhutan-based eBay seller who has some Druk 11000 labels listed, along with some Druk Air memorabilia and other actual drinks. So fingers crossed on that one. Will contact the Druk beer marketing guy, thanks. Read More
In the UK: Looking for at least two bottles of Druk 11000
I'm seeing a very dear friend of mine in 3½ weeks. To say he has fallen in love with Bhutan is an understatement. In fact he has visited on 5 occasions and has even written a heartfelt book detailing his experiences. Needless to say it ... Read More